
UGG UKI love all my beautiful banners


I love all my beautiful banners! They are amazing. Thank you to everyone who made me one. You're all just wonderful. :)

Chapter 19-

"I know what's going on between you and Mr. Teacher." My body froze as I felt the fear start to build up inside my tightening stomach. "What?" Play it cool, Rayne. "Don't pull the stupid act, Rayne. I know you know what I'm talking about." I shook my head at him, staring at him like he was crazy. "No, I actually don't." He rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid." I sighed, crossing my arms. "I never said you were. All I'm saying is that I'm not doing anything with 'Mr. Teacher', whoever that is."

His eyes darkened with anger. "I'm not fucking playing around, Rayne." I sighed heavily. "Good to know. But I still have nothing to tell you. I'm not playing around with anyone, okay?" I really just wanted him to leave. His jaw tightened as he took a step closer to me. I closed the door just a bit more. "You lied to me." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what he was talking about. "How?" He ran his fingers through his messy hair, looking like he was about to pounce on me because he was so angry.

"Would you stop fucking acting like you don't know what I'm talking about! You're really starting to piss me off!" I ran my hands over my face, really wanting to just slam the door in his face. "I'm not acting! Would you please just calm down?" Part of me felt bad, knowing that I had lied to him and I still was. I still regretted cheating on him. I still knew that he didn't deserve that and at the time he had every right to be angry with me. I felt bad for doing that and I wish I hadn't. But now he was just exaggerating everything and being an ass.

He suddenly slammed his fist against the wall, making me jump. He was starting to scare me. "Beck, calm down." He glared at me ferociously. It took a lot in me to not back down. "Why don't you want me back?" I sighed. We were back to this again. "We've gone through this. We don't work well together. We fight all the time. I'm sorry but I just don't want to be with you like that." He opened his mouth to speak, pointing a strong finger in my face. No words came out of his mouth though. "Fuck me." He mumbled angrily to himself.

"Beck, I think you need to leave." I said quietly, hoping the softness of my voice would calm him down a little. It didn't. "Don't tell me what to do! I want you back, damn it!" I closed my eyes, letting out a heavy breath. "I'm sorry, Beck. I am. I don't like fighting with you and I'm sorry I hurt you. But please calm down. I don't feel the same way." He shook his head. "Why the fuck not!?" He spat, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Holy shit, Rayne!" He growled and pushed the door opened with shocking strength, making me stumble backward. He slammed the door behind him and glared down at me. My mouth hung open in shock. "What are you doing? Get out!" I cried. When he was this angry and violent, I didn't want him anywhere near anything in my house, or me. His fists clenched tightly at his sides. He looked like he was ready to punch something. "No. I'm not going anywhere until you take me back." I rolled my eyes. "Then you're going to be here a while." I muttered, glaring at the floor.

"What did you just say?" He hissed. I sighed. "Beck, what happened?" He raised his eyebrows at me. "To what?" I bit my lip, staring at him sadly. "To you. You're different. You never used to be like this. You were sweet, and funny and kind. You were always a good listener and didn't get angry very easily. What happened? Now you're always angry. This isn't the same guy who played basketball as some way to connect with his father." I was taken back by the amount of anger in his eyes. It was like spitting fire right at me.

"Don't you dare fucking bring my father into this!" I sighed, hanging my head, which felt oddly heavy. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you Beck. I just don't understand. Why are you so angry?" He shook his head, smiling bitterly. "I want you back, damn it!" I ran my fingers through my hair,Outlet Coach, feeling overwhelmed. "Why? Why do you want me back so bad?" He ran his hands over his face, looking stressed. "I just do. Ok? I miss you."

"Beck, are you sure you miss me? Or do you just feel like I was taken away from you. Are you angry that something else that was yours isn't yours anymore?" I sounded like a friggin' therapist of some sort. His glare on me intensified. "Don't get all Dr. Phil on me, Rayne. You make me sound like I'm a fucking physco." I was growing tired of this conversation. And the f word that he was so insistent on using repeatedly. "I'm sorry, Beck. Okay? I am. Just please, calm down and leave. My answer isn't going to change. I'm flattered that you miss me but really, this needs to stop. You need to let me go."

"Why don't you miss me?" I felt bad for the boy infront of me, who seemed so hell bent determined on being missed. "I used to miss you as a boyfriend. Then I started missing you as a friend. Now I miss the guy you were before all this happened. I'm sorry I don't miss you in the way you want me to." He shook his head. "Your sorry doesn't make it any better. I'll make you miss me. You will miss me, I know it. I'll have you back, Rayne. Count on it. Oh, and that little charade you have going on with Mr. Miles, it will end. That bastard is going to get what's coming to him. I don't know what the hell you're doing with him, but I don't like it. You will be mine again. " And with that, he left.

I plopped down on my couch, letting out a heavy breath. That boy overwhelmed me so much it was annoying. Decided that I needed to calm down, I grabbed my guitar and went up to my room. I let out a slow breath and played a few chords. I cleared my throat and started to sing.

"I can't stand to fly.

I'm not that niave.

I'm just out to find, the better part of me.

I'm more then a bird, more then a plane.

I'm more then some pretty face beside a train.

And it's not easy to be me.

I wish that I could cry.

Fall upon my knees.

Find a way to lie.

About a home I'll never see.

It may sound absurd.

But don't be niave.

Even heroes have the right to bleed.

I may be disturbed.

But won't you concede.

Even heroes have the right to dream.

And it's not easy to be me.

Up, up and away.

Away from me.

Well it's alright.

You can all sleep sound tonight.

I'm not crazy.

Or anything.

I can't stand to fly.

I'm not that niave.

Men weren't mean't to ride.

With clouds between their knees.

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet.

Digging for kryptonite on this one way street.

Only a man in a funny red sheet.

Looking for special things inside of me.

Inside of me.

Inside of me.

Inside of me.

Inside of me.

Oooh ooh.

It's not easy to be me."

I played the last few cords of the song. A smile broke out onto my face as I played the last note. I loved singing that song, it made my heart swell with raw emotion. My heart jumped in my chest as I heard clapping behind me. I swiftly turned around to see Drew leaning against the doorframe, smiling. Clapping quietly. "You get better everday, Rayne." The smile on my face grew. "Thanks. I've missed you lately, Drew. I'm sorry I've been so distant." He walked over to me. "Yeah, what was up with that?" He questioned as he sat down beside me.

"I uh, I've just been going through some stuff. I guess I don't really know how to deal with it so, I've just been, a little bit of a loner." He rested a comforting hand on my knee, peering down at me with soft eyes. This was exactly why I loved Drew. He was such a good guy. "You want to talk about it?" I smiled warmly at him but shook my head. "Thanks but no thanks. I don't think I could explain it even if I tried." He let out a breath. "Okay. Well anytime you need me, you let me know. I'm here. So is Riley. We've been worried about you lately." I nodded, placing my hand overtop of his.

"Thanks Drew. I love you, you know that?" A cocky smirk graced his lips. "Everybody does." I laughed and gave him a playful shove. He laughed along with me, his laugh lightening up my mood slightly. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid." He placed his hand overtop of his heart, mocking hurt. "Are you saying I'm unloved?" I giggled. "Maybe." This time he shoved me. "Shut it woman. Are you trying to break my heart?" I smiled, shaking my head. "No. I would never." He nodded, smirking evily. "Damn right."

A silence settled between us. It wasn't awkward or anything. It was actually kind of peaceful. I laid down on my bed and he joined me. He placed a soft hand on my arm. "So, has this problem of yours gotten any better or easier?" No. I think it actually just got worse. Ignoring the truth, I nodded. "I think so. I just, I don't know. I'll tell you when I figure it out." I muttered, turning my head to the side so I could look into his chocolate brown eyes. They twinkled. He nodded, looking back at me.

"You tell me when you're ready." He whispered. A small smile settled on my lips. I loved this kid. "Thank you." He furrowed his eyebrows, staring at me. "For what?" I shrugged. "Being patient with me and listening." He laughed through his nose. "Well, considering all the times you've saved my sorry ass and been there for me, I think I owed you some love." I laughed. "You're my boy. I got your back." He laughed. "Rayne, stop trying to sound cool. That's never worked for you." I rolled my eyes, smiling nonetheless. "Gee thanks, dude." He smirked. "Anytime."

"Did you write that song you were singing?" I nodded. I was proud of my song. "It's called Superman." He smiled. "That makes me think of Taylor Swift for some reason." I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "No. My superman song is much different from her's." He nodded. "I know. I'm just saying. But it's really good Rayne. I liked it." The smile on my face stretched even wider. "Well thank you. I try." He bit his lip.

"Yeah. Maybe there's some hope left for you in the musical world." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Was that almost a compliment?" He laughed softly.



"I don't feel very well." I whimpered, pulling my covers up higher. Riley cocked her hip out, placing her hand on her hip. "I will kick your ass unless you get it out of that bed. There's nothing wrong with you, so seriously, get the hell up." I rolled my eyes. "Go away." I mumbled into my pillow. She'd spent the last 10 minutes trying to get me out of bed. "No. You're going to school, you stubborn, lazy ass." I laughed dryly. "You say the sweetest things to me, Riley." I said sarcastically. She smirked. "Yeah, I'm an angel. But I'm serious. Get up." And with that she pulled the blanket off of me.

I shivered as the cool wind hit my exposed flesh. "I'm going to attack you." I growled. She laughed. "Come at me bro." I rolled my eyes. "Please, hold back on the Jersey Shore quotes." I actually liked that show but I had heard that quote so many times, it was starting to get annoying. "Sorry. But just get up. I do this because I care. Okay? I don't mean to be a major bitch." I laughed. "I know. It comes naturally for you." She raised her eyebrow at me. "Okay. I'll let that one slide because I know you're hurting. You'll pay for it when you're okay again. But I'm not going to let you hide from whatever this is. I'm trying to help. Now get your sexy little ass out of that bed."

"Do I have to?" I groaned, flopping down onto my stomach. "Yes,Vibram Sale, you do. I'm going to start your shower. You better be out of this bed when I get back. Rise and shine!" She cheered. She slapped my ass making me let out a squeak. I chucked my pillow at her but instead hit the wall. She laughed cockily. "Ha! You missed me." I started mumbling colorful words as I dragged myself out of bed.

Riley waited patiently on my bed as I had a ten minute shower. I dried my hair, put on some light make up and pulled on some navy skinnies with a purple v-neck and a while sweater. I pulled on my shoes, grabbed my phone and backback and headed out to her car, with her following behind me. I was quiet for most of the ride to school. I was dreading going to class. I really didn't want to talk to Mr. Miles. I still didn't know what to make of what he had told me. And showed me.

A vampire? My teacher was a vampire. My boyfriend was a vampire. Boyfriend? Was he even my boyfriend at this point? It really sucks that the moment we finally become a couple, he has to drop that bomb and I just had to freak out and runaway. I missed him. A lot. I missed hugging him and kissing him. I missed hanging out with him and talking to him. I missed his cockiness and he electric blue eyes. I missed his intoxicating, manly scent. I missed his strong arms. I missed sleeping over at his house. I missed his voice. I missed him, all together.

And what the hell is a mate? Is that like..soulmate? I'm his soulmate? I'm my vampire teacher's soulmate? Just great. I hopped out of Riley's car and walked with her into the school. Trying to shake away the frustrating thoughts that were running through my mind. I was overwhelmed with all of it. I passed by Beck, and he smirked at me. I sent an odd look his way,UGG UK, and he just winked at me with a devious smile. No. I didn't even want to know. There is something weird about that kid.

"Rayne? You okay?" My friend Tyler asked me, snapping his fingers infront of my face. I shook my head, snapping back into reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Sorry. What were we talking about?" He smirked. "You were saying that you wanted to have some fun with me in the janitors closet." It was my turn to smirk. "Yeah. It will involve handcuffs." His smirk grew. "I like where this is going." I nodded, smiling evily. "The lights will be off.You won't be wearing much. I will enjoy it."

"Jeez, Rayne. I didn't know you liked it kinky." I smiled seductively at him. "Yeah. I will really enjoy handcuffing a naked you to a shelf with the lights off. I'm sure the janitor will love to be welcomed by that. I will be laughing my ass off." His smirk quickly dropped off his face. He stuck his bottom lip out, faking pure sadness. "You wound me. I was actually getting my hopes up." I laughed. "Sorry kid, but I'm not that easy. Plus in the janitors closet would be gross. An empty classroom would be better." I said. A smile spilled across his face. "Right?" I laughed.

My heart stuttered in my chest as I heard the classroom door open and close. I didn't dare look up at Mr. Miles. I heard him clap his hands together. "Okay class, today we are talking about..." I tuned him out after that. Just hearing his musical voice made my heart ache. Although, now that I was near him, my body didn't feel as weak. I hadn't talked to him in a long time, and I hadn't touched him in an even longer period of time. It was weird. The longer I was away from him, the weaker my body felt. It was really starting to freak me out.

I kept sneaking glances at him in all his perfection as he taught. I could see his defined muscles showing slightly through his light blue collared shirt. His electric blue eyes didn't have that same sparkle that they usually did, which was kind of upsetting. I loved the way they shined in the light. They were still absolutely beautiful though. I couldn't help but let my gaze float down to his perfect lips as he spoke with that deep voice of his. I missed kissing those sinful lips. I missed the way he kissed my forehead and my nose and my hand and every other part of me. I missed feeling the way those lips made pleasurable sparks and shivers shoot through my body repeatedly.

My heart jumped in my chest as his eyes met mine for a brief moment. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed when he looked away. I knew that I freaked out and ranaway. I knew that it was all my fault that we weren't talking. It was my fault that I had to miss him. I was completely aware of all that. I was still scared of it all. I still wasn't completely ready to face him, or the truth. But that didn't mean I didn't miss him.

Every so often,UGG Sale UK, his gaze would float to me, making my heart skip a beat. Throughout the entire class, I didn't really pay attention. But my want for him was growing stronger by the second. My body was craving his. Desire was started to surge through my petite body, setting me on fire. When his perfect bicep lightly brushed mine, heat pooled down in my center. I bit my lip,Moncler Coats, trying to hold myself back. What's wrong with me? Through the majority of class time, I was trying to relax my body. I couldn't. The want for him just increased.

So when the bell ran, I was completely ready to rush out of the classroom as quickly as I could. But that seductive voice made me stop dead in my tracks. My body froze as my heartbeat started to speed up greatly.

"Rayne, I'd like to speak with you."


Well, I hope you guys liked it. I worked pretty hard on it. I absolutely love all my beautiful banners. Thank you to you all. I would just like to apologize. I know it's been a while since I last updated, but I would like to thank you guys for being so patient and supportive. I love you guys. Message/Rate/Banners? xoxo :) ;)

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