
Dr Dre Headphones

It had been Esme who screamed. She was always one to keep her composure as well as the next one of us but after so many decades of composure I suppose she lost her cool a bit. Alpha stared directly into my eyes as his restraints on my family lifted. My eyes bore back into his brilliant ones as growling and snarling erupted in the atmosphere. He was attacked by my family and ripped to shreds without an ounce of resistance. I sat there on the ground staring at that one spot on the horizon where the purple smoke curled.

Now there were 3 columns of smoke burning in the clearing. I sat there in shock as my unbeating heart split in two and felt like it was just ripping into shreds slowing so I could feel every single little rip. I could hear crying behind me. Their eyes would be dry but their faces tragic. Esme, Rosalie, Bella, and even maybe Carlisle wept for their lost family members. I heard a few of them leave the clearing. They probably couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t take it anymore. My brain was trying to protect me from the hurt but my body told me no.

My lungs were screaming and I hoped my cried didn’t escape the clearing. I didn’t make it all the way to the smoke like I wanted. Sobs rocked my body as a pair of arms clasped around my middle and restrained me from further advance. My feet lifted off the ground as my hand outstretched to the flames. Tears streamed down my face and for some strange reason, I remembered the pact I had made with myself to never cry human tears again. But I disregarded it easily as my vision blurred only the slightest bit.

The owner of the arms around me was crying too. I could hear his dry sobs in my ear. Immediately, I knew it was Jasper. Who else in the world could it be? He sunk to the ground with me in his arms as his face buried in the curve of my neck and shoulder. I clawed the grass and dirt beneath me, caking the earth under my finger nails. Everything hurt and nothing felt okay. How could this possibly be my future?

My head sank to the grass with my hand still outstretched. I loved Jasper but I loved Landon. Which did I love first? I don’t even think God knows. But it didn’t matter because I loved Landon and Jasper loved Alice and now both of them were gone. Two people dead…because of me. Jasper didn’t need his ability to feel what I did. It occurred to me that he didn’t have it anyway.

Jasper, the man who had seen so much tragedy in his existence, was crying -crying for his family, for loved ones lost. Our chests heaved in unison as he fell with me to the grass. My fist pounded the grass and created a small crater in the soil. I didn’t feel Jasper on me anymore. I looked up through bleary eyes and saw chunks of the earth floating in midair and fire burning intricate patterns in the grass. There were puddles of water where the chunks of earth had uprooted and my skin was nearly sparking with electricity. I cried still as I realized that it was me doing all of this. I had projected Jasper a few yards away and he still cried like me but without any tears. Strangely, I wondered if I was emptying my gauge of human tears.

“Heidi,Coach Outlet, you have to stop!” Jasper yelled at me. I realized that I must have been using his power against him. He felt the pain that I felt and it brought him to tears. We felt the exact same thing. We were these indestructible creatures –never dying, never injured, never overcome- and yet, here we were,Christian Louboutin Outlet, crying like humans. Pain afflicting our souls of loss.

“I can’t!” I sobbed and clasped the sides of my head in physical pain. All the new abilities felt like they were surging through my brain.

“Yes, you can! Please!” He begged and I prayed he didn’t feel the physical pain too. I forced the physical pain away and wished I could stop blubbering like a baby.

“He could have killed any one of us,Vibram Five Fingers! At any time!” I screamed. “Why them?! If he had all the power, why did he only take them and then just leave?!”

“Heidi, he didn’t just leave. We killed him.” Jasper replied and I shook my head hopelessly. “Because that was what he wanted…” I focused on controlling my breathing and stopping the sobs to think clearly.

“No…no, he said that it was our future. I only saw a glimpse of it but it was like a dream and I can’t remember specifics. He wouldn’t let me that far in.” I rambled trying to remember everything I possibly could with a clouded mind. “I…I can’t…I can’t remember…” I groaned in frustration and subconsciously uprooted a 50 foot tree and smashed it into a bundle of smaller trees. The sound of splitting wood echoed through the clearing. “God, I don’t want this!” I spoke about my new power as I raked my fingers through my hair and more destructive sounds could be heard. There were ruts in the earth now. We sat there for a moment as I struggled with my own thoughts. Honestly, I knew it wouldn’t come back to me, at least not that quickly or clearly. Just like a dream when you wake up. It has no beginning and no end and is never a clear picture. 90% of it is lost within ten minutes of waking up anyway. My eyes welled up with tears again as reality started to ebb back into my conscious thought.

“Heidi,Dr Dre Headphones, please,” Jasper begged as his arm wrapped around my shoulder. “We have to go…home…” His voice broke on the last word and I could tell he was choking back what is known as cries to the undead. My voice was thick as I turned on him kneeling up.

What home?,Beats By Dre! There is no home anymore, Jasper!” I yelled at him as a sob followed. He knelt up too and scooted closer to me. “It’s gone. We can never go back. Not really…” I cried again as he hugged me close. My face pressed against his chesty and he stroked my hair. I could feel his anguish that mimicked mine.

“I know.” He whispered. Suddenly, he let me go and rose to his feet. He held his hand out to me. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Where will we go?” I asked as I sniffed and wiped my cheeks.

“It doesn’t matter, does it?” He held his hand there waiting for me to join him. He was serious and I thought about it for a moment. “Let’s make a new home…just you and me. Please, Heidi?”

“Just you and me…” I repeated and slowly slipped my hand into his. “We could do it, you know? Go off…be together. But what about Carlisle and Esme and the rest?”

Go on, we understand. We all knew it was going to happen someday anyway.

Jasper’s lips hadn’t moved. The voice was soft in my ears as if they were standing just in front of me. I began to realize what was happening.

“I can hear you?” I wondered aloud thinking it was impossible. Jasper gave me a questioning look and I justified before he could ask. “I can hear Edward’s thoughts. But I can’t hear anyone else’s?”

I suspect you can choose or by coincidence, you can only hear me.

“Well, what’s he saying?” Jasper pressed as he scrutinized my face.

Go on, we understand.” Edward’s voice, clear as day, repeated.

“He says that we should go. They all knew this was coming.” I explained as I was surprised by the words coming from my mouth. “They want us to go.” I finally looked up into Jasper’s eyes and a small smile played on his lips for a second.

“Tell him to apologize to the family for us and we will return some day.” Jasper instructed seriously.

“It’s done.” My eyes began to water for a strange reason. I felt Edward’s presence in my mind disappear as if a pair of eyes had discontinued watching me.

“Well, shall we leave then?” Jasper asked and squeezed my hand. I looked around the destroyed clearing for a last time and felt myself internally struggle with whether to smile or cry. I merely looked back up at the sky and then back to Jasper.

“Yes,” I breathed…and we were gone.

R.I.P. Landon and Alice

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