
Dr Dre Headphones"Odio et amo: quare id faciem

"Odio et amo: quare id faciem,Ladies Monster Headphones, fortasse requiris. Nescio,Dr Dre Beat, sed fieri sentio et excrucior."

~"I love and I hate. You ask me why this is so. I do not know, but I feel it and it torments me."
- by Catull

Pretentious Latin quotes, I have them. Taken up as a title for my journal so that the four years I spent learning Latin don't entirely go to waste. And because it's one of the most beautiful sentences I ever had the pleasure to butcher with one of my godawful translations. Well,Dr Dre Headphones, the quote no longer serves as title for my journal, but it's still nice.

Besides my lackluster Latin skills,Moncler Women Vest, there isn't all that much to say about me, except that I am very bad at describing myself. But I'll try anyway.
I am twenty years old, ESL and an aspiring librarian.
I originally created this journal as a tertiary archive for my fanfiction, to lurk in communities and to memories good fanfiction/ meta/ other kinds of interesting texts.
I have branched out a little beyond my original intent because actually talking to people is fun,Moncler Coats, too.

If you decide for whatever reason that you want to friend me, go ahead and do so.

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