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Previouslyreprinted an article ,today in the new version of Chrome and Firefox is not used,Nike Air Max Women, the reason getAsDataURL method has been a failure .Of course,ugg outlet online, in the Chrome ,Firefox can be achieved through HTML5, today to write it out ,see source :< ;DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ,Coach Outlet Store Online!" ;/ / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1 Transitional / EN" ;" ;http: / / www.
w3.org / TR / xhtml1 / DTD / xhtml1-transitional.dtd" ;> ;< ;HTML xmlns = " ;http: / / www.w3.org / 1999 / xhtml" ;> ;< ;head> ;< ;meta http-equiv = " ;Content-Type" ;content = " ;text / HTML ;charset = utf-8" ;< ;title> ;> local image preview / title> ;< ;< ;style type = " ;text / css" ;> ;# preview {width: 100px ;height: 100px ;border: 1px solid # 000 ;overflow: hidden ;} # imghead {filter: progid: DXImageTransform.
Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader ( sizingMethod = image ) ;} < / style> ;< ;script ;type = " ;text / javascript" ;> ;function previewImage ( file ) {var MAXWIDTH = 100 ;VAR MAXHEIGHT = 100 ;VAR div = document.
getElementById ( ) ;if ( file.files & ;& ;file.files ) {div.innerHTML = < ;img id = imghead> ;img = document.getElementById ;VAR ( ) ;img.onload = function ( ) {var R Ect = clacImgZoomParam ( MAXWIDTH ,MAXHEIGHT ,img.
offsetWidth ,img.offsetHeight ) ;img.width = rect.width ;img.height = rect.height ;img.style.marginLeft = rect.left + PX ;img.style.marginTop = rect.top + PX ;} var reader = new FileReader ( ) ;reader.
onload = function ( EVT ) {img.src = evt.target.result ;} reader.readAsDataURL ( file.files ) ;} else {var sFilter = filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader ( sizingMethod = scale ,SRC = " ; ;file.
select ( ) ;VAR SRC = document.selection.createRange . Text ( ) ;div.innerHTML = < ;img id = imghead> ;img = document.getElementById ;VAR ( ) ;img.filters.item ( ) . SRC = SRC ;VAR rect = clacImgZoomParam ( MAXWIDTH ,MAXHEIGHT ,img.
offsetWidth ,img.offsetHeight ) ;status = ( + , + , + , ) ;div.innerHTML = " ;< ;div id = divhead style = width : " ;rect.width+" ;PX ;height: " ;rect.
height+" ;PX ;margin-top: " ;rect.top+& Quot ;PX ;margin-left: " ;rect.left+" ;PX ;" ;sFilter+src+" ; " ; / div> ;" ;< ;;;} } function clacImgZoomParam ( maxWidth ,maxHeight ,Moncler Women Jackets,width ,height ) {var param = { top: 0 ,left: 0 ,UGG Sale,width: width ,height: height} ;if ( width> ;maxWidth height> ;maxHeight ) {rateWidth = width / maxWidth ;rateHeight = height / maxHeight if ( rateWidth ;> ;rateHeight ) {param.
width = maxWidth ;param.height = Math.round ( height / rateWidth ) ;} else {param.width = Math.round ( width / rateHeight ) ;param.height = maxHeight ;} } param.left = Math.round ( ( maxWidth - param.
width ) / 2 ) ;param.top = Math.round ( ( maxHeight - param.height ) / 2 ) ;return param ;} / script> ;< ;< ;< ;body> ;head> < ;div id = " ;preview" ;> ;< ;img id = " ;imghead" ;width = 100 height = 100 border = 0 SRC = .
./ images / head01_big.jpg > / div> ;< ;< ;br ;< ;input / > ;type = " ;file" ;onchange = " ;previewImage ( this ) / > ;" ;< ;< ;body> html> more than in IE6 ,IE7 ,IE8 ,Chrome 13.
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