
Yoshinoya bibimbap teach you to do

to teach you to do Yoshinoya bibimbap

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Yoshinoya chicken rice

material: de-bone chicken thighs 2 (two copies), Broccoli one (do not like broccoli, cauliflower available alternative), carrot (I do not like so do not put)
materials: soy sauce, cooking wine, white wine, sugar, salt, chicken
production process: < br> 1, the chicken thigh meat with soy sauce, cooking wine marinade for a while;
2, the broccoli into small pieces, carrots, peeled and sliced, cooked, boiled, a little salt over the water reserve;
3, put the oil pan,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/][b]title=UGG Boots Clearance[/b][/url], oil heat, add the marinated chicken thigh meat (Note: chicken skin side down), the fried chicken skin a beautiful color, brown Jianhao later turned face, continue frying (Note: at this time has been in the fire );
4, adding a lot of white wine, white wine if you are not used to the taste of white water can be used instead of part of the wine, turn a small fire, Cover and fry for three minutes (the purpose is to make chicken soft);

This step I did not use white wine. Add the red wine. As delicious!
5, open the lid, add the soy sauce, sugar (to pay more), chicken, turn the soup into the fire close look; not fully compensated for dry. Pour remaining chicken on some good eating bibimbap, oh:)
6, the fish out on the case of chicken Jianhao board,
7, the following is the final step, the chicken with a knife cut into strips, Sheng Good 1 / 3 bowl of rice in a bowl the sea, half of the code is good chicken (a half-chicken), the other half of the same code as Yoshinoya good broccoli and carrots, and finally doused with chicken sauce, ha ha, you're done!

Note: Chicken extra point sugar, soup must be boiled vegetables enough ~ ~ ~ may be appropriate to add a little chicken in the pan and salt, and boiled the water do not pour over vegetables, soup can be done when back.

Yoshinoya beef bowl practice

method 1

1. supermarket machine cut beef pieces
cutting onion sauce:
1. sugar
2. soy
3. salt and a little
4. chicken or MSG
1. wok, add the white-hot speculation of soy sauce, salt, and onion of a stir fry.
2. add water until the water boiling
3. Add beef pieces, color immediately after MSG.
4. the meat and rice soup poured

method 2

to the supermarket to buy beef slices (such as better quality Fucheng beef, etc.), one onion, green vegetables such as broccoli, eggs
1. the amount of soy sauce, soy sauce mixed with small amount of water, sugar, salt, cooking wine boil (the amount of not more than, or not concentrated juice a)
2. to put a piece of boiled beef slice of the compound, it is important to put a certain piece.
3. Pour the onion into strips, cover the lid cook for 15 minutes
4. fried broccoli, or white water with salt boil,
5. fried egg
6.'re done , to find only large bowl, first holding hot rice, beef and onion in with zhaoli to put, pour some sauce on top, put the vegetables, and finally covered with an omelette.

method 3

material into three parts:
1, fat beef 1kg, need to slice thickness of about 2mm (very difficult to cut by hand, the proposed cut directly in the supermarket to buy a good piece of beef).

2, onion 500g, cut into strips about 20mm wide (note down the fiber to be cut, so as not to be boiled).

3, seasoning soup, the most important part. Soy sauce 100cc, sugar 25g, cooking wine 80cc, ginger 30g, water 50cc. If able to do so in preparation for a little The above spices in a small bowl and stir well.
Here we start the actual operation. First take a pan, sprinkle the chopped onion first layer in the bottom of the pot, then covered with a layer of beef, then a layer of onion, then a layer of beef. Tuned into the soup, you can over the fire of the. First used in the fire, stirring frequently to, do not let the following beef out of focus. Soon you will find boil, then have to keep stirring, until the beef has changed color. For small fires, cook for 10 minutes. Line, and complete.
the cooked beef dish with a colander, spread in the rice, that is superior beef donburi bowl. Slowly to enjoy it (more material about 6 servings).

Yoshinoya fried chicken rice ~ ~

I like to eat, more like how to make. Like to eat Yoshinoya, so DIY several times,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/][b]title=Moncler UK[/b][/url], summed up the experiences and lessons each, come to Yoshinoya fried chicken with rice as the production process, hope to have anti-enthusiasts and friends can not help but like to do a try:
ingredients: chicken thigh meat off the bone three (two copies), broccoli one (do not like broccoli and cauliflower available alternative), carrot
materials: soy sauce, cooking wine, white wine, sugar, salt, chicken
production process: < br> 1, the chicken thigh meat with soy sauce, cooking wine marinade for a while;
2, the broccoli into small pieces, carrots, peeled and sliced, cooked, boiled, a little salt over the water reserve;
3, put the oil pan, oil heat, add the marinated chicken thigh meat (Note: chicken skin side down), the fried chicken skin a beautiful color, brown Jianhao later turned face, continue frying (Note: at this time has been in the fire );
4, adding a lot of white wine, white wine if you are not used to the taste of white water can be used instead of part of the wine, turn a small fire, Cover and fry for three minutes (the purpose is to make chicken soft);
5, open cover, add soy sauce, sugar (to pay more), chicken, turn the soup into the fire close look;
6, chicken and fish out the Jianhao board on the case, adjust a little water, starch, into the flat pan the rest of the broth, turn off the heat;
7, the following is the final step,[url=http://www.uggclearance1.com/][b]title=UGG Boots Clearance[/b][/url], the chicken with a knife into strips, containing a good 1 / 3 bowl of rice in a bowl the sea, half of the code a good chicken (a half chicken), the other half of the same code as Yoshinoya good broccoli and carrots, and finally doused with chicken sauce, ha ha, you're done!

Note: Chicken extra point sugar, soup must be boiled vegetables enough ~ ~ ~ may be appropriate to add a little chicken in the pan and salt, and boiled the water do not pour over vegetables, soup can be done when back.

In fact, cattle (beef rice bowl that is) of barrel (pot) barrel (pot) to do it - into the taste will be very full, so the flavor will be produced at home, and the difference - this is no way, ah!!!!
following about making the necessary materials and methods:
Ingredients: beef, onion (large);
attached materials: soy sauce, sugar (white), white wine (non-dry white, to bring sweet), sweet wine (a devil called back.
the proportion of each material in accordance with personal taste, there is a few more experiments will find their favorite flavor!!!
conditioning methods: 1 pot, add soup (water can be, how much depends on the beef and onions), mixed into the sauce after boiling; then add the chopped onion until Congxiang overflow into the cut of beef; be boiled beef pan - laid on white rice that is can!!!
2. the pot a little oil, add chopped onion slightly fried beef + stir into the sauce after (beef discoloration can be); plus soup; until the beef boiled to OK!!!
(the above two methods used to choose according to their individual cooking (homemade preferred), taste discretion of the furnace to master, in short, to develop adaptable

[love for food from friends, they try! I also reproduced other people's way! ]

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