
UGG SaleDangerous substitute teacher for 32 years in the minimum wage is only $ 30 ( Photos )

According to friends, article reports on the school, hoping to attract more users attention.

The board has been completely blurred not see
was friends known as 10 (Reporter Peng Peicheng) February 10, netizen popular networks, But this school is not in Guangdong, but in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan wells leaf Texi Meigu County Ga village by village. This school is called According to friends introduced to teach in this school is called

when we have to write down the name of a rock song than when he saw me write his name on the word undecided on their hands just like in my notebook to write down their and the daughter's name. He told us: name, has been recognized a lot of character. here to teach, to a few, but not how long it can be transferred on to teach, so for decades, is a teacher by Jika Ga village adhere to the most long-standing civilization communicator.

Jika Ma music teacher raising two children, daughter and son from the village primary school reading by Ga to other schools after third grade to study. Hard-working, kind, virtuous wife, sand Madan Xing, 47, as her husband to go to school teaching, there is no time to share responsibility for the home, so heavy domestic labor makes her look much larger than the actual age, so the burden of family responsibilities her prematurely senile.

sand Madan Xing when we asked: ,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Sale[/url], how could you let him go to a teacher? let him come back and busy with farm work you can not do much up money? When he did not want to let him go to teach, but, then there are times I go to the fair, hold a chicken to sell, because the results did not understand Chinese, then, not literate, have sold quite a while to sell. Since that then I would not ask him to come back again and I had farming. do not know the words and do not understand Chinese, then the same is like a blind and deaf. Jika teacher has stood in silence, his face is always wearing a smile. He said: months, $ 200 better point, but without his wife at home, working hard, still the same can not keep house. it is very calm, like others in the narrative of the story, rather than their own personal stories.

who lives in the village of Ga by rock music than the one Jika when young student teacher, and his daughter music teacher than the gold in the Jika being taught sophomore.

children can not go to school

results: spreaders of civilization

Jika teacher told us that in 1976 he had just become a substitute teacher to give him the time salary is $ 30 a month, and later rose to 60 yuan a month. He said, very difficult time,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Sale[/url], his son and daughter are still small, need someone to take care of only one side of his wife with child labor side, this time, production will not keep many of the home season, in a variety of income reduced, while the wages of $ 60 a month becomes less,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Sale[/url], not worth anything, then their children grew up,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Sale[/url], do something to help the family when the good points.

hard when it comes to their educational achievements, Jika teacher and a look of satisfaction.


following Block 30-meter-high hill, and then has gone onto a 32-year Village Road, the road leading to his classroom in the school. Street folks have become accustomed to see him in this way, then kindly say hello: p> a day on the road back and forth, Jika Ma Song-faced smile. Because he knew, in that shabby little village children play as long as the door to see him coming afar off,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Sale[/url], and shouting to each other, classroom, out of books to read aloud from the books. Children recited the entire book sound so remote and backward villages full of energy and aura. From home to school section of track, leaving him about 30 minutes per trip, one day you go back and forth about an hour. However, he relied on every day 10:30 class on time, 16:30 on time after school. Jika Ma song from Russia in 1976 after graduating from junior high school general well leaves Texi Township began in the village primary schools by Ga, the education, taught for 32 years, from his own 19-year-old boy into a 51-year-old Although the village primary school teaching by Ga very difficult conditions, there is no podium, the podium is the so-called potholes in the classroom on the ground; there is no town on the walls of a classroom blackboard, the teacher is in Jika two wooden stick with a wooden board propped oblique in front of station for 32 years, also wrote on the blackboard wooden 32 years.

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