
Menstruation more , less , before and after the stakes

early menstruation, delayed to determine the physical disease prevention ~ ~ really too important, both boys and girls see it, really enlightened, a look surprised, to take note of the next generation ~ ~

vacation normal cycle of 28 days, plus or minus no more than a day for a period of time. To time is 4-5 days. But we do not understand the knowledge that can come to life in this time period have not have delayed the advance, to the time be long or short, hurt not uncomfortable, sick do you think? Life, this is very common.
several situations:

1. large, in advance. You do not think this time
defective, because we generally believe that pain, uncomfortable called sick. In fact, it is not a disease, it is a symptom. Disease and illness are the two concepts. Disease is a phenomenon, disease is the result. Disease is quantitative, disease is a qualitative change. Chinese medicine called qi, before the baby is the case, then the child will be born the biggest feature is often a fever. But many parents do not understand why his body so well, and the children are often a fever? Large, in advance. In Chinese medicine, called blood gas is not solid, that is not freezing your blood. This gas is called the camp called Camp David of the gas gas. That is righteousness. Modern medicine is used for your immunity. Qi also immunocompromised. If you Qi, blood is not solid, solid-not your blood, the results of your vacation in advance each month, starting volume.
normal is 28 days, you are 25 days. If the long-term large and early, we have calculated that an account. For example, 13 years old you start to vacation leave, the 23-year-old marriage. A month earlier than others, you three days more than others once a year on vacation. We all know Taoist pregnant 10 months, the child relies entirely on the adsorption of the mother's nutrients to grow, but your immunity is low, your child is sure to inherit your body function at the time, so that your child was born on the natural immunity .
you go to any hospital, when you ask the doctor how the child thing, the doctor will tell you a word, your child's immunity. Parents do not understand why our body so well, but immunocompromised children? In fact, this vacation with our women have a direct relationship. So you know after this knowledge, you can advance to prevent her, put your vacation in advance to adjust, do not wait until later. Lives we women do not understand your vacation. Now the parents are very trouble, poor children brought. Many brothers and sisters before, and now have only one, we are afraid, how today's children is so difficult to keep, ah, run to the hospital every few days also. In fact, this is your vacation in close contact with you directly to your child causing this evil.

2. the amount of small, delayed.

postpone vacation but this time, Chinese medicine, called blood deficiency, do you think it is wrong with it? It is also called menstruation. This case, the future of marriage
80% of children born not long months, children with ADHD. Why? We do not understand why Chinese medicine, called blood deficiency, virtual is less meaning. Deficiency is less blood in vivo. There is a saying in medicine: kidney hematopoietic bone marrow, that is responsible for the management of renal bone and bone marrow hematopoiesis. Chinese tell you is the kidney in the blood. Kidney in the blood of the process, in fact, your blood less, with the words of the people is the kidney, we have heard a man kidney, heard a woman's right kidney. In fact, to tell you that this is a woman kidney performance. Your kidney blood less, you will find that children are born is not inherited your body at the time, you will also kidney to your child born kidney. Kidney and bone, it is certainly a small child's skeletal dysplasia
. Now the parents see their children will not long a child calcium, calcium alone, in fact, an element can not fill up the child's bones, it is our parents to go along with advertising. Have a child not a dwarf, not a dwarf child will there be a situation that is inattentive class. Why? We parents are trouble, the teacher said the child inattentive class, go back and beat the child, good for three days. May be a few days old child is like, Why? With your body or have a direct relationship because the kidney primary bone marrow, the child inherits your kidney, then he is the kidney, Chinese medicine, there will be blood deficiency is not repose. School children by the memory of the brain, which in medical term is called memory-peptide, in fact, to tell you is blood, that is to completely rely on your child's blood to the head teacher 45 minutes talking about the memory contents. If the child's memory when the peptide is not enough, his 30 minutes in the brain occur when insufficient blood supply.
your kidney, your child kidney. ADHD has caused your child, inattentive class. We do not understand these things. So your next vacation with you have a direct relationship. Your child will inherit your body function at the time, some parents complain that their children did not do so not, in fact, not your child not,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/][b]title=Moncler Coats[/b][/url], you can not. Because we all like to think of error attributed to others, and see some of the symptoms themselves next to you brought some drawbacks.

3. The amount of normal, but suddenly, after the former suddenly.

This is spleen. Born child would eclipse. Why is this situation is very much? Because the female body like the United States, in particular, special attention before the marriage of their body, worry about fat. Among Chinese in the spleen, the spleen is a very important organ. Because we are all grown up eating whole grains, and whole grains are digested by our spleen. If you do not eat whole grains long, your spleen will be virtual. Just as we were accustomed to rest when the work will be a very tired, this is a reason. Many women in the young age like to keep fit, do not eat grains and the like. Because you do not understand this knowledge, the old do not eat will cause spleen, once the spleen after this time the normal amount of your vacation, you can cycle began to appear unstable. Long-term do not eat, eat when you eat so much, your digestion backward. Spleen when you have children, the child born will be a partial eclipse, the child once the partial eclipse, not even think he would later develop well.

4. suddenly, after the former suddenly, suddenly suddenly small.
This time we also believe that the balance on more than a month, this month less, normal? ? Because we do not want to go to the doctor, especially gynecology. Because the traditional so many years, so we know her relatively small, do not want to go to hell, anyway, superficial. This time you called in Chinese medicine, the symptoms of liver and kidney deficiency. If you have children in this situation, the child is likely to be cerebral palsy. Your liver and kidney deficiency, kidney bone marrow, the brain is one of the two odd organs, Chinese medicine, the brain is a sea of ​​marrow, which means that our human brain is a body 206 made of bone marrow collection . Your liver and kidney deficiency, so you have the whole organ has been deficiency, so that your child's brain to form empty, the so-called cerebral palsy is actually not normal brain development. Normal cerebellum cerebral palsy are now common, and cerebellar control of motor nerve of our body, and liver reinforcement, the liver meridian poor children will not be good, so there are generally cerebellum cerebral palsy. Will tell you now there is no medical treatment, rehabilitation can only be done at the center. Let the children exercise, deficiencies, and can only be acquired to make up their own. So you see, because of ignorance, because these symptoms and vacation leave to our children for this phenomenon. There is also the liver and kidney deficiency caused by a child with autism, because Chinese medicine, the liver is the primary emotions. None of the doctors, they attributed to a psychiatrist. In fact, Chinese say that the emotions attributed to the liver to adjust. We get angry we all know is called anger Wang, this is your emotions, we have thousands of years of history to tell you.

5. Metrorrhagia
Now called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Is sparse to vacation, the one does not take days, and then every six or seven days again. This symptom is caused by the liver.

6. dysmenorrhea
women susceptible to the north. Dysmenorrhea do you think is the disease? When you dysmenorrhea, many people will tell you, the pain it, giving birth not hurt. Giving birth does not hurt you, what you say the pain to go out? Children away, the children go with which? If you're a boy, there will be a very common symptom, called hernia. Hernia in children, Chinese medicine, called Han Shan. In other words, you dysmenorrhea after the child away this winter. Han Shan is a child of the two testes in the stomach, pain. Then, tell your doctor right surgery, the testes from the stomach to win, but the surgical risks involved, if the surgery which cut off the root, in turn, the consequences are serious, can cause infertility problems. So you do not know you a little wrong to what your future generations? We all know that we are now only one child, now a doctor told us that children before age 5 hernia surgery, when surgery can be a small matter, but how big do? Great you found a child is not sexual, then how do you say ~ ~! At this time you then regret is useless, no children. This is caused by cold. The symptoms are mildly child wet the bed, and some children wet the bed the urine to 8,9 years of age. If the students are girls will wet the bed, the urine to the 8,9-year-old to vacation leave on the next dysmenorrhea, passed down from generation to generation. There is also the pain of giving birth, can tell you that giving birth there dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids will have up to 95%. Why do women have uterine fibroids now why so many, that is, to the cause from dysmenorrhea. The root of your history of dysmenorrhea have a direct relationship. Chinese medicine, pain is unreasonable, General is not painful. Means your blood does not hurt. Chinese medicine also known as blood hemorrhoids. Have been to your vacation, your uterus to shed membrane, but not falling down. This is also called cold hemorrhoids. How dysmenorrhea is caused by it. Dysmenorrhea are generally caused by the cold, especially in the north, and now women too much beauty, and also a cold day wearing a short skirt without attention to their bodies, the Chinese have a saying, cold from the feet up. Winter clothes for the United States and want to show your body, the results will come in the cold at this time, especially when you come to vacation. To vacation time is the most deficiency in your body when you vacation when your blood is discharged from the body weakest when they can be when you wear this little chill goes into your body frozen in the blood. There is a hot day, you are now an official holiday and lesbians to vacation will be more dry, you will not want to eat ice cream, you eat ice cream, cold to gather them in your stomach, where stomach medicine called medullary bone biochemical the source. That has been the source of your blood cold, and cold in your blood which will condense, resulting in your dysmenorrhea. Your blood cold, and vacation time off of your uterus during the film there will be a little off for it, resulting in dysmenorrhea. How to uterine fibroids, and uterine membrane is that you leave a little time off, accumulated little by little, into a tumor. There are multiple uterine fibroids, as cold in our body with the blood running, when you had that point to a certain thickness, the membrane of the uterus where they can fall off, this time to another cold place, they began to fall off a new points can not form multiple uterine fibroids. If you have long-term dysmenorrhea after giving birth, then you are not run as uterine fibroids, up to 95%. And 5% of women when the vacation is to be angry. Especially in the first three days, if you get angry at this time, had a new film to come out, get out now, it will be closed in the uterine wall, the Chinese medicine called qi silt knot. Fibroids in the uterine wall in the form. Many patients with uterine fibroids will cut it, I advise you better not cut. You Gewan a terrible, your ovaries will be very dangerous, ovarian cyst came out. We women tend to live longer than men, and why? Because more women than men, a detoxification organ, is the ovary. The ovaries are connected with the liver, we all know that the liver is the detoxification, and that the process of detoxification where to row? Go gallbladder gay and lesbians take vacation leave, such as amenorrhea only after longer follow the gallbladder. So Why do women live longer than men, women go down toxins from the liver directly, while men have to go up through the intestinal tract are discharged. Relatively speaking, the detoxification capacity of men than women to be almost. So you no vacation leave per month. It means you cut off your detox channel no. No way to treat ovarian cysts, and only then cut off the ovaries, also if the other side of the cyst, then re-cut. This is what we Chinese people sad place, you will find a lot of people did not finish the success of an operation, and then make another cut, the last cut was nothing of their own. But there are those who, like removal of the uterus you will find people who face a variety of things to come out of the mess. How come, now you have a direct relationship between the removal of the uterus. To be straightforward if there is, after removal of the uterus, you is not woman. Removal of the uterus you will soon suffer the most common manifestation, beginning a long beard, masculine personality, family relationships began to change, no way, you have to point to the removal of the female. So you break with your family's health has a direct relationship.

monthly menstrual period does not always have a few days drinking, K Song, eat spicy food ... but you know that this time the United States is a woman's period of change it? Breast, fat burning, improve memory, detox, etc. usually difficult to achieve, in this golden period can be easily reached.

women will experience a lifetime menstruation 400 times,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearancemalls.com][b]title=UGG Clearance[/b][/url], each time 2-8 days. So doing, a woman's life, 1 / 10 are tangled and physiological stage. Dysmenorrhea, agitation, etc. Though it is not the fault of the period, but experts advise: time, breast, abdomen and other series of the usual things you can easily reach a headache!

1, breast

Sharon Stone business for flat chest, a few years, rapid chest SIZE! Her secret is not filled breast surgery, only the physiological hormonal changes with a view to developing a special diet.

American Medical experts say the first 1-3 days of menstrual periods is the best breast, three days because of chest fullness influence of ovarian secretion of 24-hour equivalent estrogen can stimulate breast fat accumulation. If three days to eat carrots, potatoes, soy and nuts food, breast enhancement effect will be more than 3 percent better than usual. Papaya is recognized as the best breast food, but medical experts also stress that only the help of lactic acid bacteria, the body can absorb the effect of breast and papaya enzyme papain. So let the chest more fullness, may as well give yourself a cup of papaya DIY yogurt.

In addition, the calcium in food is also very important, the latest German survey shows that calcium can stimulate hormone secretion. You may try to 2 days before menstruation, oral calcium began to eat. Experts point out that the human intake of calcium each less than or equal to 300 ml, absorbed the best. So I suggest you choose a small dose of calcium, repeatedly taking small doses of calcium absorption than the better off taking large doses of calcium.

2, Fat Burning

Dutch sports medicine experts pointed out that fluctuations of the fat-burning hormones very influential. They menstrual period last 2 days and 1 week after referred to as I suggest you at this time suitable for movement by burning body fat, especially around the abdomen fat. For your health, burn fat is more important than weight loss.

suggest you period last 2 days, do 20 minutes yoga every day, 15 minutes brisk walking and stretching a few simple tricks. 1 week after menstruation, more than 30 minutes a day doing aerobic exercise. Sports medicine experts recommend 6.5 one thousand meters per hour brisk walking exercise, the most effective for burning body fat. Brisk walking at attention to abdominal pressure, imagine the body hanging in the air as fast as walking, which is most helpful in burning belly fat, abdomen with unexpected results. The abdomen was tense after exercise is normal, this is a necessary process decomposition of abdominal fat, 2-3 days will be able to recover a soft abdomen.

a medical survey, women during menstruation desire for food was 25% higher than usual degree. This is not a bad thing! At this point you can eat sweets rarely touch. Experts point out that three days before the menstrual period, the body's tolerance two percent higher than usual, on the decomposition rate of unsaturated fatty acids than non-menstrual period high 15%. These days, you can do things correct weight-loss food!

but do not order to consolidate the body effect, try a variety of diet pills. Poor immunity, the body during menstruation, hormonal balance diet pills can easily be disrupted in the chemical composition of ground, but negative body sculpting, or even cause menstrual disorders.

3, improve memory

German women's health experts say, women in the estrogen synthesis process, the need for a special aromatase, an enzyme by nerve conduction, the cerebral cortex responsible for memory cells have a stimulating effect. Aromatase physiological secretion peak period in the last 1-2 days, if you want to improve memory, it may be the tail end of the physiological, memorizing English words or poetry to do mental exercise.

You can also do the exercises while chewing gum, chewing may stimulate the brain in charge because the memory in the hippocampus. More importantly, the chewing gum can stimulate saliva production, saliva enzyme aromatase to work together to help, let the cerebral cortex cell activity 14% higher than usual, memory can be enhanced in the short period of time.

In addition, you can also try the German medical experts Kelu Fu Sid taught the little surprising coup, he said: the brain can get 'latent capacity' specific method is simple: with the thumb and index finger to gently massage the ear from top to bottom, 3 minutes, then the index finger pushing down the temple for one minute. This approach can promote cortical blood flow, eliminate fatigue and memory impairment.

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the physiology of the American Medical experts called the During this period most of your immune system is weak, some hidden in the body's health problems are most likely a small leak at the time of sleep. But this by no means a bad thing! Because you can normally find difficult to show that the health warning, early detection can improve early.

Question 1: bags, dark circles

clearly enough sleep 8 hours, how also wore bags and dark circles? Japanese health experts say, which means your body's blood circulation is not smooth, high blood viscosity, may be related to excessive intake of the meat. Recommend a balanced diet, reduce meat intake, an increase in the diet of dairy products and beans.

Question 2: bleeding gums

Why is one physiological

is easy bleeding gums? This is not health-related and gums, is a precursor to gum inflammation. Recommend to the clinic after the end of the period scaling to remove tartar cause inflammation, to avoid further spread of inflammation, carefully brush your teeth, gargle with salt water. In addition, large amounts of calcium, iron ions with the blood loss, which is leading to physiological causes of bleeding gums, it is recommended daily calcium, and adequate intake of vitamin D.

Question 3: hair prone to breakage

If your hair has become particularly vulnerable period in the physiological, easy to break, it is likely that you have anemia at the edge! Physiological period, the lack of amino acid supply of the hair, skin protein content decreased, there will be Should eat more foods containing iron minerals, such as spinach, etc., in order to improve the body anemia risk.

5, detoxification

Singapore medical experts found that women from the first day of menstruation, the body will secrete a unit smaller than the cell proteins - enzymes. This enzyme can break down toxins, so that the blood changes from acidic to alkaline, help detoxify the body effectively. U.S. health experts said snow Langdon Green, menstrual amount of water of great help to detoxify the body, so the physiological drank 1000 ml of water is necessary.

Medical experts said that women during menstruation is 15% higher than usual sensitivity to the body, gently tap a few special points, we can stimulate the body's metabolism, promoting toxins from the body. But experts also emphasized, must be forced gently tap instead of massage.

Yongquan: When you force bent toes, the front foot is the emergence of depression Yongquan. Gently tap the meridian passing through the role of Yongquan, regulate your autonomic nervous system, help you expand blood vessels, promote blood circulation, speed up the removal of toxins, reduce blood viscosity.

Zusanli: with the right hand palm right knee at the top level, fingers down, middle finger out of a top position is the right leg means the full three years. For the left leg the same way you can find the full three years, gently press the point, can promote the digestive function, to speed up removal of toxins, improve the body immunity.

acupoints small ways:

Zusanli on the outside of the knee now four cross-refers to the edge of the tibia. From the bottom touch the outside of leg, left knee below the knee, palpable bumps (lateral tibial condyle). Thus further afield, inclined a little below the place, there is another bump (fibular head). This line links to two convex bone, as for the bottom line down to make a triangle. The vertices of this triangle, it is Zusanli. Zusanli knee out now 3 inches from the anterior tibial crest a cross that, when the tibialis anterior muscle. Acupoints, the eye from the outside knee down cross-refers to the amount of 4, between the fibula and tibia, the tibia adjacent to open a cross-refers to the department that is

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