
360 bodyguards has openly hijacked QQ button , an unprecedented global software industry

Born in troubled times, we

360's October 29 launch of the However, 360 did not mention this piece of software ever created the first global software industry record. 360 Hong Zhou, chairman of the history of the software is destined to become

really interesting.

confused with what is hijacking?


store you walk into QQ, pointing to a QQ brand shoes, I want it! Thus, QQ QQ brand shoes salesman will hand this gave you.

This is natural, right?

However, the reality has changed.

When you select a window from 360 companies produce and store it outside the hood in the QQ, a miracle occurred. You through the window, pointing to a QQ brand shoes, said: I want it! Thus,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/][b]title=UGG Outlet Store[/b][/url], the 360 ​​window manager handed a pair of shoes on his hands, if you do not pay attention and walked away, sorry, you bid the. If you look carefully will marveled: this actually is a pair of 360 brand of shoes!

Yes, the great and wise 360 ​​to help you make a decision: you need not QQ, but 360! This is the Of course, it can be described as a modern version of Recognize it!

good. If you think this is too weird, then please take a look at a few shots, incredible things are happen in broad daylight! And, also dressed in pious.

Originally, the QQ panel click on the bodyguards transferred into a 360 leather package

necessary to add that if you are familiar with Google and Baidu history of being oppressed, you know QQ is not the first victim. Many people are already familiar with this scenario: in the 360's browser, when you Google and Baidu search input box, the output of the page is another search engine results. Amazing, is not it!

360 have to tell you, it claims to protect the object, how is this thing? I'm afraid not.

Moreover, 360 of these bodyguards do explain where there is such a sentence: 360 by the opposite in fact: first, to modify the default QQ Second, this process is not triggered by the user by choice, and did not know.

is, in distorting the facts, the 360 ​​also incidentally did several other things: perpetrating a fraud, cheat, fake crazy not Britain, reincarnated ... ...

above are just simple language. Next, listen to the association per letter (the original Wanrui data) senior Internet industry analyst at how that is defined by:

invasion) QQ hijacked the way the can be equal among the competition, but not invade the opponent through the software, tampering with the opponent's capabilities to compete and this is the robber. robber is not competition, but aggression.

hackers hijack this behavior, like abuse of a shopping mall security identity security, free shopping store and hijacked into the counter, and counter to the counter into his own The user may be unaware of the dangers of hacking, computer use will increase their risk if a company and hackers can legal hijacked another company's software, and modify, add or delete its function. then the hacker can obtain a large number of user privacy, and Internet companies may be affected by any kidnapped, injured, or the final user.

even Apple closed, it is impossible to make any changes authorized by the APP, as they can hijack 360 third-party rival software, such an approach, kill snatch any different? There is a song, called Internet is also popular in this sentence: not afraid of rogue will fight, afraid of rogue culture. Because literate rogue, will

What is Its meaning rich.

Fu Sheng is from the deep feelings. Fu Sheng, Hong Zhou for six years to follow, 360 security guards is the first product manager,[url=http://www.moncler-online.de/][b]title=Moncler Jacken[/b][/url], so that 360 security division general manager. But later left Hong Zhou Fu Sheng, and founder of the virus to cattle, and 360 competition. Of course, it seems difficult to avoid Hong Zhou a close match with the old men who fight against each other, Den is the first, Fu Sheng is the second. Old saying, there must be one two three.

Fu Sheng felt the Fu Sheng said, give him the right to know. a flawed, does not mean you have shot him right there shortcomings does not mean guilty. Now the practice is equivalent to 360, because I user base, so I say you guilty, you are guilty. br>
Later, Fu Sheng himself tasted the bitter pill. Their cattle out of the R & D on anti-virus software has been robbed and killed one available: the virus to cattle just on the line, was 360 A newborn baby, have not had time to say a word, how can you sentence him guilty? Fu Sheng

in view, there is a rule can not be destroyed, is to maintain a store, a software, a family of independence, and not break down the door, and acts recklessly. In a few months ago he said: fair, the process is not fair,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/][b]title=UGG Outlet[/b][/url], that the result would be unfair.

police will hurt us Caomin it?

users the burden of proof

360 bodyguards really strong, strong enough to let a launch of a changing world of Internet users are no longer familiar with the bizarre world.

a few examples of live microblogging from it. Not only from Tencent microblogging, but also from Sina microblogging.
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