
UGG SaleCEOs from the real estate agency to obtain personal information from being sued 25000

(Reporter Zhang Yuan) your real estate broker company boss Song Xilin staff meal, from each other to obtain the 25000 information for individual citizens to develop their business. Haidian court hearing the case yesterday, Song accused of the crime of illegal access to personal information of citizens.

to pull customers to find intermediaries

before the incident, the defendant in May of this year his own money to set up the Beijing Investment Consultants Limited Ka Yip Fong, and served as legal representative and general manager the post. According to the said, he and his wife are the north drift race, his stay in Beijing after graduation, with their own efforts bought a house in Beijing.

According to the said company is set up primarily engaged in investment in gold, investors and investment in inter-company matchmaking. However, since May, after the establishment of the company until the end of June it attracted 15 sales, and has been drawing less than investors.

end, Song Xilin thought has been contacted their real estate intermediaries Du Lili. According to the said house in 2005, he was suddenly received a Du Lili on the phone, which then often called to ask if he buy a house, a few years down the two gradually became acquaintances.

According to Song Xilin said, as two familiar, and Du Lili said the information is old information, not necessarily accurate, so there is no money to him.

citizen information is used to develop business

get the 25000 contains the name, home address, phone number, personal information, Song Xilin be distributed to its sales . According to his court testimony, the 15 sales are specially trained to connect the call, only to be said for gold investment-related content.

But until the incident, 15 sales have never been a pull to investors. According to Song Xilin confession, 2.5 million people in about 8,000 people have been contacted.

one of the victims were connected by telephone, said to cope with their own, he often received various types of text messages and phone calls.

this regard, Song Xilin's counsel that, despite the Song of misconduct,UGG Boot, but normally a similar telephone, text messaging harassment have been .

However, the prosecutor said Wang Min, illegal access to personal information of citizens convicted of the key is not whether to spend money to buy, but illegal for the act itself, Song Xilin as corporate, the master of the information should not be it was made illegal, according to the law can be held up to three years in prison.

In addition, the prosecution said the defendants did not provide effective information Du Lili, so I can not lock Du Lili. It is understood that public security authorities received a report from the masses in post-office in Song Xilin its control. Case the court will choose a sentencing date.

■ Interrupted

information changed hands several times to increase the detection difficulty

correspondent in the Baidu search, type , after a query to see in some of the blog, paste it in the still sell personal information of citizens.

It is understood that since the Criminal Law Amendment clearly the offense, the city has been punished more than a similar case, in which both the information to buy or sell the information, and even disguise themselves as personal information, have been filed indictment.

However, the source for the outflow of personal information, such as telecommunications, banking and other sectors, there are few precedents. In this regard, the case prosecutor Wang that, as the case in the Song Xilin access to information, like a lot of personal information has been repeatedly changed hands,Moncler Jackets, trafficking, it is difficult to identify the source, increase the difficulty of detection.

In addition, Wang also said clearly that the charge is to protect the human rights of citizens to privacy, but the provisions of the law on this count is not clear, sentencing is not refined.

She also advised people received similar harassing messages or phone, do not turn a blind eye to actively reflect to the public security organs.

■ link

illegal access to personal information of citizens crime

according to February 28,UGG Sale, 2009 by the Criminal Law Amendment (g) of Article VII provides that, in 刑法第二百 fifty-three added after, as the second one 153: provision of services to obtain personal information of citizens, or illegally sold to others, in serious cases, three years imprisonment or criminal detention and a fine or a fine. stolen or otherwise illegally obtaining this information, the circumstances are serious in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be punished. unit commits the crime of the preceding two paragraphs, shall be fined, and its directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the paragraph. Related articles:

